High performance computing
Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw (ICM)
Dynamic federations: storage aggregation using open tools and protocols

SciencePAD is currently in its early design and prototyping phase. Most of the functionality of this site is under development and it is not as automated or user friendly as we plan it to be for the final production version. Your contributions to the site with new registrations of users, organizations, collaborations and software, comments and new ideas are warmly welcome. For more information make sure to check the current SciencePAD Roadmap
Davix is a lightweight toolkit for file access and file management with HTTP Based protocols.
Davix aims to be an easy-to-use, reliable and performant I/O layer for Cloud and Grid Storages.
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM), a basic unit within the University of Warsaw, founded in 1993, is a research centre in computational sciences and a centre of high-performance e-infrastructure (www.icm.edu.pl). The research at ICM, of strongly interdisciplinary profile, encompasses computational and information sciences, with special focus on their mathematical foundations and applications in other areas of science, technology and e-economy. In Poland and internationally, ICM is widely recognized as a provider of wide-range e-infrastructure services, in particular those based on high-key knowledge infrastructure.
Cineca is a non profit Consortium, made up of 51 Italian universities, The National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics - OGS, the CNR (National Research Council), and the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). SCAI (SuperComputing Applications and Innovation) is the High Performance Computing department of CINECA, the largest computing centre in Italy and one of the largest in Europe. The mission of SCAI is to accelerate the scientific discovery by providing high performance computing resources, data management and storage systems and tools and HPC serv
UNICORE (Uniform Interface to Computing Resources) offers a ready-to-run Grid system including client and server software.
UNICORE makes distributed computing and data resources available in a seamless and secure way in intranets and the internet.
UNICORE has special characteristics that make it unique among Grid middleware systems. The UNICORE design is based on several guiding principles, that serve as key objectives for further enhancements.
Open source under BSD license.
Standards-based, conforming to the latest standards from the Open Gri