Consorizio Interuniversitario (CINECA)

What is CINECA?
Cineca is a non profit Consortium, made up of 51 Italian universities, The National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics - OGS, the CNR (National Research Council), and the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). SCAI (SuperComputing Applications and Innovation) is the High Performance Computing department of CINECA, the largest computing centre in Italy and one of the largest in Europe. The mission of SCAI is to accelerate the scientific discovery by providing high performance computing resources, data management and storage systems and tools and HPC services and expertise at large, aiming to develop and promote technical and scientific services related to high-performance computing for the Italian and European research community. CINECA enables world-class scientific research by operating and supporting leading-edge supercomputing technologies and by managing a state-of-the-art and effective environment for the different scientific communities. The SCAI staff offers support and consultancy in HPC tools and techniques and in several scientific domains, such as physics, particle physics, material sciences, chemistry. Cineca is currently a CUDA Research Center, based on the vision, quality, and impact of its research leveraging GPU technology and is one of the 6 PRACE PATCs (PRACE Advanced Training Centres), to carry out and coordinate training and education activities that enable the European research community to utilise the computational infrastructure available through PRACE.
Scientific domains
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SuperComputing Applications and Innovation