Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw (ICM)

What is ICM?
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM), a basic unit within the University of Warsaw, founded in 1993, is a research centre in computational sciences and a centre of high-performance e-infrastructure ( The research at ICM, of strongly interdisciplinary profile, encompasses computational and information sciences, with special focus on their mathematical foundations and applications in other areas of science, technology and e-economy. In Poland and internationally, ICM is widely recognized as a provider of wide-range e-infrastructure services, in particular those based on high-key knowledge infrastructure. As core of their mission, ICM fosters openness in all its dimensions, ranging from open publishing through open data up to promoting open software. Beyond academic community, the latter attitude is reflected by numerous initiatives and developments addressed to general public. ICM’s e-infrastructure includes heterogeneous high-end computing and data processing systems, broad spectrum of middleware and scientific software solutions, enriched by large data collections and a national virtual library of science, offering licensed collections of the leading international publishers as well as a comprehensive repository of Polish scientific publications. Over the period from its foundation, ICM has contributed to the development of new computational models for a range of challenging large-scale scientific applications, and to the optimisation of numerous scientific codes for new computing architectures, from multi-processor vector, via massively parallel up to most recent hybrid set-ups with embedded GPU-based nodes. The developments addressed also specific needs of various distributed environments, such as computational and data grids, with contributions to robust middleware solutions, as well. ICM is also a leading knowledge infrastructure provider and counts among the main contributors to novel concepts in the related fields. A unified platform for serving equally structured publishers’ collections and unstructured publications has been developed and is continuously enhanced as a part of national service. Within a number of EC-funded projects, to date ICM’s team has substantially contributed to the set-up of European open knowledge infrastructures, DRIVER, OpenAIRE and EUDML, among those. In Poland, ICM is currently in charge of a project that aimings at developing and implementing a national integrated open e-infrastructure for information and knowledge resources. In another national project, ICM has committed to launch during the next year a distributed system of multi-level repositories that will include all Polish scientific publications, dissertations, theses and other forms of scientific documentation.
Scientific domains
Advanced computer networks and applications
Legal form
Research organization or institute
Web sites