SciencePAD is currently in its early design and prototyping phase. Most of the functionality of this site is under development and it is not as automated or user friendly as we plan it to be for the final production version. Your contributions to the site with new registrations of users, organizations, collaborations and software, comments and new ideas are warmly welcome. For more information make sure to check the current SciencePAD Roadmap
The EMI X.509 Common Authentication Library provides support for:
• off-line certificate validation,
• creation of SSL sockets (both server and client side),
• handling certificate DNs, also in text format,
• usage of proxy certificates: from proxy generation to validation.
The library provides implementation of an easy to use and flexible validation logic, which can take advantage of different trust material sources. Proxy certificates, which are commonly
Logging and Bookkeeping (LB for short) is a Grid service that keeps a short-term trace of Grid jobs and other grid-related processes as they are processed by individual Grid components. The LB was initially developed in the EU DataGrid project as a part of the Workload Management System (WMS). The development continued in the EGEE project (EGEE-II, EGEE-III respectively), where LB became an independent part of the gLite middleware. Currently we are participating in the EMI project ( see LB status in EMI, gLite Logging and Bookkeeping Product Team).
The LCG File catalogue (LFC) offers a hierarchical view of files to users, with a UNIX-like client interface. The LFC catalogue provides:
The Disk Pool Manager (DPM) is a lightweight storage solution for grid sites. It offers a simple way to create a disk-based grid storage element and supports both standard (HTTP/S, NFS 4.1/pNFS) and grid specific protocols (SRM, gridFTP, XROOTD, RFIO) for file management and access.
The Grid Information System provides detailed information about grid services. The Grid Information System system has a hierarchical structure of three levels. The fundamental building block used in this hierarchy is the Berkley Database Information Index (BDII). Although the BDII has additional complexity, it can be visualized as an LDAP
FTS is the service responsible for distributing the majority of LHC data across the WLCG infrastructure. It is a low level data movement service, responsible for moving sets of files from one site to another while allowing participating sites to control the network resource usage. This control includes the enforcement of site and usage policies like fair-share mechanisms on dedicated network links.
The gCube Platform is a Software Platform for the implementation and servicing of Virtual Research Environments based on the Service Oriented Paradigm.
YAIM (YAIM Ain't an Installation Manager) is, as the name suggests, a way of configuring Grid Services. The aim of YAIM is to provide a simple installation and configuration method that can be used to set up a simple Grid Site but can be easily adapted and extended to meet the need of larger sites. To ensure that local administrators can adapt YAIM, it has been implemented as a set of bash scripts. To support th
A Federated Service Endpoint Registry conceived during the EMI project. Its main goal is to discover all the Service Endpoints that exist. It consists of a collection of services that enables storing service records in a federated manner. Each of the record contains Service Endpoint Record (SER) according to the GLUE 2.0 standard. The deployment of EMIR (which implies building an EMIR network over WAN) is bipartite: 1) Building a rooted hierarchy with a single EMIR server aggregating all the information within a federation 2) Sharing the information at the root level among peered EMIR servers