SciencePAD is currently in its early design and prototyping phase. Most of the functionality of this site is under development and it is not as automated or user friendly as we plan it to be for the final production version. Your contributions to the site with new registrations of users, organizations, collaborations and software, comments and new ideas are warmly welcome. For more information make sure to check the current SciencePAD Roadmap
The Hydra Key storage system comprises a service and clients to create, store, retrieve and manipulate encryption keys. The service is a series of key storage services, running on Tomcat. The clients are command line interfaces that connect to the key stores and allow users to perform the basic actions. Files may also be encrypted and decrypted.
ETICS stands for "eInfrastructure for Testing, Integration and Configuration of Software". ETICS is both a software product and a software service to help software developers, managers and users to better manage complexity and improve the quality of their software. Our service allows you to fully automate the way your software is built and tested. ETICS provides software professionals with an "out-of-the-box" build and test system, powered with a build and test product repository. The software is multi-platform and open s