SciencePAD is currently in its early design and prototyping phase. Most of the functionality of this site is under development and it is not as automated or user friendly as we plan it to be for the final production version. Your contributions to the site with new registrations of users, organizations, collaborations and software, comments and new ideas are warmly welcome. For more information make sure to check the current SciencePAD Roadmap
CERMINE is a Java library and a web service for extracting metadata and content from PDF files containing academic publications. CERMINE is written in Java at Centre for Open Science at Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw.
vmimagemanager makes it easy to repeatably perform stores and restores images as rsync, tgz, and cpio.bz2 from libvirt based virtualisation using either shared partitions or raw disk images. Features
The EMI X.509 Common Authentication Library provides support for:
• off-line certificate validation,
• creation of SSL sockets (both server and client side),
• handling certificate DNs, also in text format,
• usage of proxy certificates: from proxy generation to validation.
The library provides implementation of an easy to use and flexible validation logic, which can take advantage of different trust material sources. Proxy certificates, which are commonly
The Worker Nodes on Demands Service (WNoDeS) is a software INFN is developing. It is built around a tight integration with a LRMS (a "batch system") and is running in production at the INFN Tier-1 Computing Center. Its main characteristics are:
mpi-start is a set of scripts to close the gap between the workload management system of a Grid insfrastructure and the configuration of the nodes on which MPI applications are run. The package is used to help the user start MPI applications on heterogeneous Grid sites.
GridSite was originally a web application developed for managing and formatting the content of the GridPP website. It has further grown into a set of extensions to the Apache web server and a toolkit for Grid credentials, GACL access control lists and HTTP(S) protocol operations. In its simplest application, GridSite uses X.509 certificates loaded into unmodified versions of web browsers like Internet Explorer, Netscape or Mozilla to authenticate users, and then grant
APEL is an accounting tool that collects accounting data from sites participating in the EGI and WLCG infrastructures as well as from sites belonging to other Grid organisations that are collaborating with EGI, including OSG, NorduGrid and INFN. The accounting information is gathered from different sensors into to a central accounting database where it is processed to generate statistical summaries that are available through the EGI/WLCG Accounting Portal. Statistics are available for view in different detail by Users, VO Managers, Site Administrators and anonymous users according to wel
StoRM (STOrage Resource Manager) is a:
Logging and Bookkeeping (LB for short) is a Grid service that keeps a short-term trace of Grid jobs and other grid-related processes as they are processed by individual Grid components. The LB was initially developed in the EU DataGrid project as a part of the Workload Management System (WMS). The development continued in the EGEE project (EGEE-II, EGEE-III respectively), where LB became an independent part of the gLite middleware. Currently we are participating in the EMI project ( see LB status in EMI, gLite Logging and Bookkeeping Product Team).
Indico is an event management web application. Its initial goal was to provide conference organizers with a set of tools that could help them through the entire conference life cycle. This initial feature set was extended to other events (such as meetings and lectures), and has since grown to include other features such as a full-fledged Room Booking module. Over the last years, Indico also became CERN’s official hub for collaborative tools, providing a common user interface for videoconferencing (MCU-based H232, Vidyo, EVO), chat and webcasting/recording systems. As the proje
UNICORE (Uniform Interface to Computing Resources) offers a ready-to-run Grid system including client and server software.
UNICORE makes distributed computing and data resources available in a seamless and secure way in intranets and the internet.
UNICORE has special characteristics that make it unique among Grid middleware systems. The UNICORE design is based on several guiding principles, that serve as key objectives for further enhancements.
Open source under BSD license.
Standards-based, conforming to the latest standards from the Open Gri
The Security Token Service (STS) is a partial implementation of the OASIS WS-Trust specification. It is a service that can be used for transforming an existing security token into another security token format. Security token, on the other hand, is defined in the WS-Security specifications as a collection of claims that can be attached into a Web Service message.
The metrics portal is the culmination of the work initiated by the MIG (Metrics Implementation Group) and transferred to the Operations Automation Team (OAT) in EGEE-III and now to EGI. The main objective is to have a set of metrics that can help to measure project performance and keep track of its evolution. The portal automatically collects all the required data and calculates these metrics displaying all of them in a single place. The portal agglutinates information from different sources like GOCDB, GGUS, GSTAT, etc. using various connectors depending on the
The LCG File catalogue (LFC) offers a hierarchical view of files to users, with a UNIX-like client interface. The LFC catalogue provides: