

vmimagemanager makes it easy to repeatably perform stores and restores images as rsync, tgz, and cpio.bz2 from libvirt based virtualisation using either shared partitions or raw disk images. Features

  • Simple Slot and Virtual Machine model of deployment.
  • Per Slot configuration.
  • Speeds the import and export of images to archives.
  • Multiple Disk mounting options including image or partions csharing.
  • Multiple archive formats, including rsync, tar.gz and cpio.bz2
  • Very speedy frequent redeploys with rsync.
  • Defaults and per Slot configuration.
  • Manages mounting domains when then Vm is down and un-mounting when the domain is launched.
vmimagemanager was originally created for software testing, and automation of deployment. It’s original form was a linear script, which has since been completly rewritern to make furture extention easier and the benifits are now showing. It uses libvirt to control the virtualisation execution. So it is optimized for repeatedly restarting a Virtual Machine slot and adding or removing images or image overlays, with one command line, rather than shuting down, mounting the raw file system, and restarting the virtual maschine and variations on this work flow. It was originally developed at STFC (UK) and improved at DESY (DE) for the purposes of server deployment testing, it has since been integrated into build systems, and is used to generate images for the Hepix Virtualsiation working group.






Scientific areas


Main features




Supported Operating Systems


Supported CPU Architectures


Programming languages


Build tools


Test tools