GFAL 2.0
GFAL2 is a framework for Grid and Cloud file access, file transfer and file management.
The GFAL 2.0 library :
The GFAL 2.0 library (gfal2-core) provides a unified and protocol-generic API for file access, file transfer and file management operations in Grid and Cloud environments. GFAL 2.0 allows to build applications using the Grid technologies ( file, GridFTP, RFIO, Dcap, SRM, LFC, Http/Dav, xrootd ) in a transparent manner.
The GFAL 2.0 transfer library:
The GFAL 2.0 transfer library (gfal2-transfer) is an additional GFAL 2.0 library for high level file copy management.
GFAL 2.0 python API :
The GFAL2.0 python module allows to use the power of the GFAL 2.0 library in a pythonic manner. gfal2-python is fully thread safe, concurrent and exception support out of the box.
gfalFS :
gfalFS is a fuse module based on the GFAL 2.0, It makes possible to mount any storage endpoint with a compatible protocol and to use it locally.
gfal-tools :
The gfal tools are a set of experimental utility Tools for common Grid and Cloud file and directory operations: file creation, copy file, create/delete directory, change-rights, meta-data informations... etc.
Scientific areas
Main features
Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)
Supported Operating Systems
Supported CPU Architectures
All (architecture independent)
Programming languages
Build tools