Portal or gateway
Service Availability Monitoring (SAM)
Worker Nodes on-Demand Service (WNoDeS)
EGI Metrics Portal
EGI Metrics Portal
EGI Accounting Portal
EGI Accounting Portal
gCube Framework (gCube)

SciencePAD is currently in its early design and prototyping phase. Most of the functionality of this site is under development and it is not as automated or user friendly as we plan it to be for the final production version. Your contributions to the site with new registrations of users, organizations, collaborations and software, comments and new ideas are warmly welcome. For more information make sure to check the current SciencePAD Roadmap
A repository for recording and querying for Grid topology information including NGIs, Sites, Services, URLs, Users/Contacts, Service Downtimes. Records what sites/services/downtimes are meant to be functioning at a particular snapshot in time. Provides a Web portal interface and REST style API for querying data in XML Key component of European Grid Infrastructure.
SAM is a grid monitoring and reporting system for large-scale production grids.
It builds on top of open-source components such as
The Worker Nodes on Demands Service (WNoDeS) is a software INFN is developing. It is built around a tight integration with a LRMS (a "batch system") and is running in production at the INFN Tier-1 Computing Center. Its main characteristics are:
The metrics portal is the culmination of the work initiated by the MIG (Metrics Implementation Group) and transferred to the Operations Automation Team (OAT) in EGEE-III and now to EGI. The main objective is to have a set of metrics that can help to measure project performance and keep track of its evolution. The portal automatically collects all the required data and calculates these metrics displaying all of them in a single place. The portal agglutinates information from different sources like GOCDB, GGUS, GSTAT, etc. using various connectors depending on the
The EGI Accounting Portal is the global graphical front-end to EGI accounting data. Accounting statistics are available through this portal for the analysis of the different grid users, VO administrators an site administrators. This data is analysed to generate statistical summaries that are made available through a web interface.
The accounting infrastructure is based on the collection, processing and presentation of CPU resource usage records that are derived from the log files on the Compute Element (CE) and local batch farm. The data are proThe gCube Platform is a Software Platform for the implementation and servicing of Virtual Research Environments based on the Service Oriented Paradigm.