SciencePAD is currently in its early design and prototyping phase. Most of the functionality of this site is under development and it is not as automated or user friendly as we plan it to be for the final production version. Your contributions to the site with new registrations of users, organizations, collaborations and software, comments and new ideas are warmly welcome. For more information make sure to check the current SciencePAD Roadmap
Davix is a lightweight toolkit for file access and file management with HTTP Based protocols.
Davix aims to be an easy-to-use, reliable and performant I/O layer for Cloud and Grid Storages.
gLExec is a program that acts as a light-weight 'gatekeeper'. it takes Grid credentials as input, and takes the local site policy into account to authenticate and authorize the credentials. It will then switch to a new execution sandbox and execute the given command as the switched identity. gLExec is also capable of functioning as a light-weight control point which offers a binary yes/no result in logging-only mode.
SAM is a grid monitoring and reporting system for large-scale production grids.
It builds on top of open-source components such as
StoRM is a
CERMINE is a Java library and a web service for extracting metadata and content from PDF files containing academic publications. CERMINE is written in Java at Centre for Open Science at Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw.
GridSite was originally a web application developed for managing and formatting the content of the GridPP website. It has further grown into a set of extensions to the Apache web server and a toolkit for Grid credentials, GACL access control lists and HTTP(S) protocol operations. In its simplest application, GridSite uses X.509 certificates loaded into unmodified versions of web browsers like Internet Explorer, Netscape or Mozilla to authenticate users, and then grant
StoRM (STOrage Resource Manager) is a:
Logging and Bookkeeping (LB for short) is a Grid service that keeps a short-term trace of Grid jobs and other grid-related processes as they are processed by individual Grid components. The LB was initially developed in the EU DataGrid project as a part of the Workload Management System (WMS). The development continued in the EGEE project (EGEE-II, EGEE-III respectively), where LB became an independent part of the gLite middleware. Currently we are participating in the EMI project ( see LB status in EMI, gLite Logging and Bookkeeping Product Team).
The LCG File catalogue (LFC) offers a hierarchical view of files to users, with a UNIX-like client interface. The LFC catalogue provides: