Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
What is STFC?
The Science and Technology Facilities Council is keeping the UK at the forefront of international science and tackling some of the most significant challenges facing society such as meeting our future energy needs, monitoring and understanding climate change, and global security. The Council has a broad science portfolio and works with the academic and industrial communities to share its expertise in materials science, space and ground-based astronomy technologies, laser science, microelectronics, wafer scale manufacturing, particle and nuclear physics, alternative energy production, radio communications and radar. STFC operates or hosts world class experimental facilities including:
In the UK
- ISIS (link opens in a new window) pulsed neutron source
- the Central Laser Facility (link opens in a new window) (link opens in a new window)
Overseas telescopes on
It enables UK researchers to access leading international science facilities by funding membership of international bodies including:- European Laboratory for Particle Physics (link opens in a new window) (CERN),
- the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL),
- European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
- the European Southern Observatory (link opens in a new window)(ESO).
Scientific domains
Legal form
Research organization or institute
Web sites