Computer Architecture and Grid Group at Trinity College Dublin (CAG, TCD)

What is CAG, TCD?
The Computer Architecture and Grid Group (CAG) at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) has been active in Grid Computing projects since 2002. CAG is currently involved in a variety of EU Framework 7 projects including Helio, StratusLab, SCI-BUS, Mantychore and EMI. Many people within the CAG group are also active members of the Grid Operations Centre which is part of Grid-Ireland.
The aim of Grid-Ireland is to enable communities of users, for example, astrophysicists, geneticists or linguists, to construct virtual organizations above Grid-Ireland. The guiding principle is that there may be many virtual organizations, but there only needs to be one grid layer. The benefit is a research platform for scientists and an object of research for computer scientists, and a natural symbiosis between the two.
Grid-Ireland involvement in the LHC: The Grid-Ireland Operations Centre is involved in data storage and processing for the Atlas and LHCb experiments.
The Grid-Ireland Operations Centre is a partner in the e-INIS project to develop a national e-Infrastructure for Ireland. e-INIS is funded by HEA under PRTLI cycle 4 as part of the National Development Plan and with support from EU structural funds.
To learn more about grid computing you can visit the Grid Café at CERN. Find out how grid computing works, what grid computing can do, what it could mean for you, and much more.
- e-INIS, the Irish National e-Infrastructure
- EGI, the European Grid Infrastructure
- EMI, the European Middleware Initiative
- StratusLab, with the aim of enhancing grid infrastructures with virtualization and cloud technologies
- HELIO, the Heliophysics Integrated Observatory
- Mantychore, IP Networks as a Service
- SCI-BUS Scientific gateway-based user support
- ER-Flow, Scientific workflows
Scientific domains
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