Italian Grid Infrastructure (IGI)

What is IGI?
The Italian Grid Initiative (IGI) is a Joint Research Unit supported by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR). IGI provides the Italian Grid Infrastructure. It guarantees and supports common services for e-research, common middleware releases, general guide lines for policies and standards to be internationally adopted for secure interoperability among all existing grid infrastructures.
The Italian Grid Infrastructures copes with the most advanced worldwide developments in scientific computing, responds to the international standard requirements for secure interoperability and reliability, thus it is widely adopted by and well integrated with the most important grid infrastructures worldwide distributed like the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) the biggest in the world, the World Grid Infrastructure for the LHC experiment (WLCG) at CERN.
IGI runs one of the LHC world’s 11 TIER1 for the gathering, storage, analysis and sharing of data incoming from the world’s biggest HEP project in the world. Beside High Energy Physics, a large number of researchers and education communities in Italy, Europe and worldwide, such as Astrophysics, Theoretical Physics, Biology, Health, Chemistry, Geophysics, Economy, Finance and other sectors as Commercial Enterprises, Industry and Civil Protection.
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