Juelich Supercomputing Centre (Forschungszentrum Juelich) (JSC)

What is JSC?
The Jülich Supercomputing Centre operates supercomputers of the highest performance class. We enable scientists and engineers to solve their highly complex problems by simulations.
Forschungszentrum Jülich has been operating the first German supercomputing centre since 1987, and with the Jülich Institute for Advanced Simulation it is continuing the long tradition of scientific computing at Jülich. Computing time at the highest performance level is made available to researchers
in Germany and Europe by means of an independent peer-review process. At the time being, JSC operates the most powerful supercomputer in Europe, JUGENE.
About 140 experts and contacts for all aspects of supercomputing and simulation sciences work in JSC. JSC's research and development concentrates on mathematical modelling and numerical, especially parallel algorithms for quantum chemistry, molecular dynamics and Monte-Carlo simulations. The focus in the computer sciences is on cluster computing, performance analysis of parallel programs, visualization, computational steering and grid computing.
In cooperations with renowned hardware and software vendors like IBM, Intel and ParTec, JSC meets the challenges that arise from the development of exaflop systems - the computers of the next supercomputer generation. As a member of the German Gauss Centre for Supercomputing, the Jülich Supercomputing Centre has coordinated the
construction of the European reseach infrastructure "PRACE - Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe" since 2008.
Scientific domains
Scientific Modelling and Simulation
Legal form
Research organization or institute
Web sites