ScienceSoft Marketplace

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ScienceSoft Marketplace

The ScienceSoft Marketplace is supposed to be the core of the whole community, a place where interactions among developers and users happens in a dynamic and intuitive way. What should be the form of this interaction? How is the marketplace integrated with the other features, the catalogues, the forums, the people? What items can be advertised and discussed and who should be allowed to advertise?

 I will just throw few ideas

 I will just throw few ideas in a brainstorm-fashion.  I think a crucial challange is to go beyond "bug-oriented" interactions like that of github or sourceforge.  Examples of such interactions that can be adopted for the marketplace: Kickstarter, exchange of ideas, they are discussed openly and commented on. "Pledging", commenting and ask questions. For the projects owners it gives a possibility to connect to other services (e.g. to facebook). I consider this a good solution (as opposite to adding a copy of the fb functionality in the service).  Ubuntu brainstorm giving the community a way of expressing their needs (instead of just reporting bugs). It clearly increased the involvement of the "normal" users, but also constituted a kind of sanity-checks for developers.  Side-comment:ubuntu brainstorm shows how hard it is to find "similar" ideas. This will be also an issue for sciencesoft: find similar projects (but how to describe the functionality in a machine-readable way).  

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