FOM-institute for Subatomic Physics Nikhef (FOM-Nikhef)

What is FOM-Nikhef?
The National Institute for Subatomic Physics is an institute that carries out research in the area of (astro)particle physics. Scientists and engineers work together on research into the smallest building blocks of matter and the forces that act between them. These minuscule particles are studied in collision processes using large particle accelerators, including those of CERN near Geneva, as well as in interactions of high-energy cosmic particles in the Earth's atmosphere or in seawater. Nikhef is a partnership between the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM) and four universities: Radboud University Nijmegen, University of Amsterdam, Utrecht University and VU University Amsterdam. Nikhef is located at Science Park Amsterdam. The Nikhef collaboration entails about 60 staff physicists, 40 postdocs, 80 PhD students and 110 engineering, technical and support staff.
Scientific domains
Particle physics and astroparticle physics
Legal form
Research organization or institute
Web sites