ScienceSoft was presented and discussed at the EGI Community Forum 2012/EMI 2nd Technical Conference taking place at the Leibniz Research Center near Munich in Germany.
The EMI Project Director, Alberto Di Meglio, introduced ScienceSoft and its main motivations during his welcome plenary talk on Tuesday morning. In the afternoon Alberto gave a more detailed presentation on ScienceSoft, its background, the problems it is trying to address and the proposed benefits. On Thursday morning, the session "Commissioning Original Software" chaired by Steve Brewer, head of the EGI User Community activities, featured a discussion on how ScienceSoft Marketplace could be used to publish "Calls for Products" or "Calls for Services" and promote new collaboration between researchers and software developers.
A number of interesting similarities and contact points have been found with other projects and initiatives. Erwin Laure, coordinator of the ScalaLife project, has described in his plenary talk on Wednesday morning similar software-related issues that showed a potential complementarity of ScienceSoft and the ScalaLife Competence Center activities on software usability.
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